Our school library provides information, inculcates ideas, and develops knowledge that is so essential to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge based society. Our library is well equipped for students with life-long learning skills and develop in them creative thinking and imagination, and enabling them to live as ideal and responsible citizens.

We have made our library very well equipped with modern learning. We have installed computer systems in the library and subscribed to online Libraries in and around the globe. It also has a good amount of Kindles for the books that are not available on hard cover. Also The School Library has the provision with the use of Alexa as and when required.

Our library is the hub of all the activities planned and executed in school. It can be used by students to prepare for their next class period, home examination, general education, information, competitions, recreation and inspiration. To cater to the wide varieties of demands of students and teachers, we have a well-qualified team of library staff who judiciously select and procure the prescribed/recommended text-books and other reading material from different sources, technically process it by making use of a standard scheme of classification, catalogue it to provide various access points, organise the collection on scientific lines, circulate the documents and disseminate the information in the manner most liked by the students and teachers. In addition, our school library serves as a resource centre as well.

Rules & Regulations

Books will be issued to the students of Classes III to VII.

Each student of classes III to V will be issued one book at a time for a period of one week.

No books will be further issued unless pending items are returned.

Strict silence must be maintained in the library.

Kindles and Alexa will not be issued.

Books marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced by the borrower or a payment of 50% in excess of the cost price of the book is to be made as per the school rules and regulations.

Students are not allowed to bring their personal books or belongings to the library.

No Printing facility will be provided to students at the library.

Any student found damaging or defacing a book will be debarred from the library for the whole academic year.

The library has an open access system, and the students must help to maintain the order and organization for the collection in different shelves. They must place the books in the shelves strictly according to the subjects, after consultation.

Kindles and Alexa will not be issued.

Reference books are not issued. These books can be consulted within the library premises only.

We strongly advise parents to encourage their children to read books.